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rerun - Take your shell scripts and turn them into powerful full featured management utilities with no extra programming.


You are never going to get rid of bash scripts entirely. Rerun creates a nice interface for users and a framework for the scripters that makes you look good and a better team player.

Rerun is a simple command runner that turns loose shell scripts into modular automation. Rerun will help you organize your implementation into well defined command interfaces. Collections of management modules can be archived and delivered as a single executable to facilitate team hand offs. Using the "stubbs" module, rerun will even facilitate developing modules using a test-driven development practice.

What does rerun give you?
  • A framework to script writing that does things like generate option parsers
  • Command completion in your bash shell
  • Packaging in rpm/deb or standalone
  • Logging formats with levels and ansi color
  • Nice user experience
  • Simple to use test framework
  • Build process you can hook into your CI loop

Rerun provides two modes of operation:

  1. Listing. Rerun lists modules and commands. Listing information includes name, description and command line usage syntax.
  2. Execution. Rerun provides option processing (possibly defaulting unspecified arguments) and executes a script for the specified module command.

For the module developer, rerun is a trivial framework following simple conventions that easily fit in a shell environment. Rerun includes a module development tool called "stubbs" that helps create and evolve rerun modules. Stubbs contains commands to automate option processing code, metadata definition and unit testing.

Internally, rerun implements a simple dispatching mechanism to look up named commands and execute them. Commands are logically named and have a corresponding script.

Commands reside in a module and can have named parameters called options. Each option is named, described and can also be defined to use a default value or say whether it is required or not.

Rerun modules can also declare metadata describing name, description and other aspects of each command. Rerun makes use of this metadata to support a listing mode, a feature where modules and command usage are summarized for end users.

See the project wiki for additional documentation including:

-h. Print help and usage then exit.

-M DIRECTORY. Module library directory path.

-v. Execute command in verbose mode.

-V. Execute rerun and command in verbose mode.

--version. Print the rerun version.